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Friday, April 29, 2011

Adultery Bull - Hypothesis - Brain Sucking Porch

Biblically speaking, adultery is a Feaux Pas.  
Often you will find me (if your were there, but you aren't there) sitting on the brain sucking porch.  If you were there it would appear I am wasting time.  But alas, I am not.  It takes effort to develop some hypothesis'.  What you see (but you can't see) is I am testing a theory:
"A quiet ecosystem and no schedule sucks negative data directly out of your brain.  This brain sucking activity (unlike Zombies or extra terrestrial brain sucking) improves overall health." 

Initial testing shows each byte of negative data exits the body via a small space around each hair follicle.  Results increase with a relaxed scalp.  Significant peacefulness leads to a relaxed the scalp, enlarging each tiny little space, improving results.   This mid-day I am deep in scientific discovery.
But first let's cover sin.
Every spring 3 to 5 Brahma Bulls are allocated to shameless adultery.  This is not an offense to Christianity, bulls are not mentioned.  200+ cows, subjected to an 8 week service objective, without their input.  The bulls can call this work.....but they better not complain much.  From what I hear, the estrogen crowd nags alot; throwing accusations of disloyalty around to include a few double dating sideswipes and foul language. Apparently, this young fella has discovered the brain sucking porch. 
He and I.
I and he.
Peaceful, follicular, oozing little bubbles of stress.
Then the moo'oing starts. 
Random cheap shots -  "You chunk of excrement!!!"
Then very clearly, "Shove that thing in your backside, excrement orifice!!!!" 
His reply is an exhausted, silent, glance. 
"You ladies just don't appreciate a reliable guy committed to all this hard work!"
The cheap shot game becomes the ignore and mumble game which we cannot hear.
He and I.
I and he.
Inner peace, puffy clouds, and silence. 
That is all for now.
Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rifle Rest - Aimelss - Purpose - Pointless?

John Wayne can still swing two .44 caliber lever actions in circles, on horseback.  He is preserved on film.....many a bad guy falls to his shooting.  I have explored un-aided off hand shooting, the basic kind with feet set on Mother Earth.  My Choreographer is not as skilled as Mr. Wayne's. 
Alas, resting my rifles helps my score and one handed riflery is no longer sought for my bag of "man" tricks. 

Kids focus on results.   Trust me, you want results because kids need Midol when they miss.  Especially if the rifle is bouncing around with a case DT's before the shot.   In a typical blind or "hide" set up I suggest sand bags or your back pack.  Bed that gun down solid like you are cheating - Mr. Murphy has enough options you cannot control.

On our ranch in Texas, we participate in the aimless wander.  Before I continue, let me just say many people fail to address the wander correctly.  Wandering has subtle nuances.  There is the pointless wander - meaning you don't really care where you end up.  The meaningful wander - you are going to do something, somewhere but final destination many change.  Then there is the purposeful wander - you are going somewhere ending in a measurable result.  This one is known as chores.
The aimless wander has no destination, no clearly defined goals, but may become pointless if nothing happens or purposeful wander should a snake or crawdad is available.   At least that is the best way to wander.  Pigs and seasonal animals of pursuit are included in the "option" list while still retaining aimless status.

Aimlessly messing around with a water moccasin, in a place you weren't planning to end up, the distraction allows a sounder of feral hogs (the pinnacle of aimless wanderers) within 150 yards of your snake.  Your son's rifle upgrades you to a purposeful wander.   The 10 pound rifle offering minimal recoil is available (because you are smart and maybe I influenced you a bit) but you have no rifle rest.  Damn rules - forgot to tell you, a rifle rest is a purposeful part of being aimless but not pointless. 

Shooting sticks are a nice option, I made these after a norther turned my Double Bull blind into a sail.  Added a bit of duct tape, perfection.  We have wandered up on all kinds of critters and whacked them with these.


Should you have no extra fiberglass poles around, go to Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops and look for a Bi-Pod.  The unipods are okay, marketing literature is full color, tidy, and convincing.  I don't think the marketing team actually uses them - total crap.   Tripods are better than bipods.  The one below is a camera tripod.  I cut a piece of 3" PVC in half, and modified it to mount just like a camera.  (I'll post details of the assembly later on) It stays in the back of the truck for purposeful wanders begun aimlessly and brush blind hunting.  Notice how the gun just sits there, kid stands behind and it requires very little work.  It swivels as far as you can go.  This Model 700 ADL 30.06 is content.


Pointlessly aimless and all that has passed, it is time to wrap up.  What I have noticed using a bi-pod or tripod most people use the barrel as point of contact.  I had one of our cousins Caleb demonstrate stupid for us.  He was just following my, uh....?  This is the stupid way to do it - it causes misses.  Very simple - physics.  The gun is heavy in comparison to said youth hunter.  Said youth hunter tends to look up and drop the rifle at trigger pull - shot goes high because all the weight is behind the "rest".  (Adults do the same thing but just forget that because it isn't you - just other guys).


Rest the rifle on the balance point which is usually about the middle of the scope and you'll get accuracy!  If the gun leans a little barrel heavy - fine.

This is the way to do it.


The rifle is balanced and yes, the kid (or adult) may look up and all that.  We addressed Mr. Murphy earlier,

When you are playing "Bwana Gun Bearer".  Stand to the side, hang on to the bipod and cover your gun side ear.  I know it looks like yoga. 


This yoga move retains proper hearing and a secondary benefit.  You will often hear the bullet hit the animal with your off side ear.  It is a delightful "POP"ing sound.  Not covering your ear gives you a reason to avoid conversations at home....for a few days.

In closing, remember to purposefully take the essentials for being aimless.  Rest the rifle in the middle and get close.  You will get results.


Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Carp Rigs - Small Rigs - Big Fish

Kids, smaller than full grown humans, have the whole small hands, short stature thing going on.  Given these challenges modifications to your fishing reel is pretty easy.  The Blogvangelist and his crew of local kiddoes use small spinning gear to whack some monsters.
Said monsters take alot of drag.  Runs of 50-100 yards and 30+ pound Buffalo are common when she decides to test your angling skills.  Over gun your kid with a heavy rig, the rig whoops the kid.  Give him your chronarch and $200.00 flipping stick, it will suffer a break somewhere within 5" of the rod tip or jump off the dock towed by a large critter.
This results in some cursing.
To help all situations I suggest a Penn 430 or Diawa BG 10 on a decent 6 foot medium action rod.  This tutorial is about the reel.  My 20 year old Penn 430ss is smooth as glass and been through many battles.  Line capacity says 300 yards of 20 pound braid.  Well, I choose half that and drop on 150 yards of 20lb braid as backing.

Step 2.  Trilene XL 10lb mono uni to uni knotted to the braid


Step 3.  Fill the spool.  This one is a bit front loaded, I'll sort that out on the first big one we catch.


Step 3 - go fishing

Step 4.

Pictures - yeah, I know, the video kid doesn't have a life jacket on - had to create excitement somehow.   He's caught a bunch of these guys and a few buffaloe's over 30. 


We've used this rig all over Texas including the surf for redfish.  Gear is the right size, line capacity can land a whopper, and the kids have fun.  Keep your reels clean, drag pressure moderate, and let the fish run.

Take kids fishing and build the next generation. 

Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I - BlogVangelist is Why....

Blogging is a narcissistic sport for those who suffer writing disorders.  BlogVangelism mixed with said narcissism, is the process of testing and finding the best techniques and equipment for new hunters/fishermen.  Then, I actually believe people give a damn about my findings AND I actually believe people will try the stuff I have proven to work.   My blogs include alot of corrected mistakes readers can leverage.  Holy smokes there are alot of adjustments you need to make for kids.  I think I am the only one bothering to show the "how to" of all that.  (Excuse me if I stepped on your toes, then email me, we can work together.)

So, this BlogVangelist,  in my opinionated, narcissistic, opinion, blogs because kids and neighbor's, unaccustomed to the outdoors and the real process of getting meat, need to know what we know.  Dying with a lifetime of data does no one any good.  Unless you have figured out how to communicate in the afterlife.
So, I am constantly out, in the field, in the surf, on the lake, gun range, absorbing unhealthy levels of UV rays; piddling around with some idea I came up with.  I also, if you scroll through my blog, am one of the few people out there trying to reduce recoil because it is the main reason people shoot poorly.  Finally, I have a certain affinity for feral hogs.  They are awesome testing material and I am prettier.

Will you join me in producing teaching posts?  I am looking for you, the small group of BlogVangelists, just email me your post and I will upload it for you.  Send me your youth hunting pictures, and I would love to post on your site.  If you have a question, idea, or youth hunting question - holler, I've made most of the mistakes.  (Just don't ask me which pump 20 gauge to get your 8-14 year old - they are all fire breathing mules - fixed action, short barreled, and awful.  Get an automatic and 2 shell plug.)

If no one teaches the next generation, then there will be no next generation.  I am on this Earth for decades and fully intend to BlogVangelize in the field, in the surf, on the lake, absorbing UV rays and bacon.  When I die I want to haunt people properly, with an open mind.  I'll waste this life teaching disciples along the way.
That is why I blog.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ranch Birthday - Spongebob - Rock River

Most boys like the idea of a ranch birthday.  Well, since I am an outdoor blogvangeist expanding the hunting and fishing world, I am the perfect ranch birthday party guy.  There happens to be a ranch as well.  My son Thomas on the far right turned 9.
I feel all creative this morning and will use a "start at the end and take it back to the beginning" writing trick.  Linear is so straightforward, it ain't fun.
At the end of the trip the boys gathered for a picture at the gate.  Another successful ranch Birthday.
Then there were ranch Fairy duties.  Basically, I am the ranch fairy.  If something breaks, or the feeders run out, or...about 9,234 other things "just call Uncle Troy" is the standard response.  Well, today we arrive to a broken pipe spewing water all over the bottom of the house.  I am glad it is on piers or things would have been tough.  A little glue and a handy 3/4" cap - water is tight and the house is back to normal.  (Showers are great at the ranch!).

Quick unload and we started the barrage of .22 shell popping - a required ranch birthday activity.  Mitchell getting warmed up with a Henry single shot.
(This is an excellent starter rifle for kids - as safe as a rifle can be)
Like grannies rushing a girdle sale "more, more, more, give me MORE!"
Two of my buddies own sweet AR - 15's with retractable stocks (yeah I know most of them are that way).  But alas, here is the teaching part.
Low recoil, relatively inexpensive ammunition, and a 500 yard target at the ranch make for some significant rifle work. 
Here's Rick ripping away with the new Rock River.
This is a FACT:  Boys are gun curious.  If you do not teach them how - they will never learn how and then you get some serious issues later on in life.  Like I say every time at the ranch,
"Boys" I bellow out -
"Guns, knives, chainsaws, fast cars and women will always be interesting.  They will also kill you" 
We'll work on the cars and women part later.
Introducing every anti-gun weenie's nightmare!!!!
Mind you - these guys are shooting 500 yards at 9 and 11 years old, which proved quite difficult in 25 MPH SE wind, when you hit the steel target (the size of your chest) it was barely audible.  The military might want to put in a draft pick......
Of course there was Spongebob cake - what do you think - I am a southern, redneck, tough guy, lift kit truck driving, tied down knife wearing "wanna be?"  Oh, yeah, those guys DON'T TAKE THEIR KIDS........they are home tire shining the "33's.
There was pig population control, I will report later - waiting on photo's.
If you don't teach the next generation, who will?
I told you I was going to use a writing trick.  I started with harmless gate pictures and a little plumbing problem, brought in some subtle (ha!) pro-gun nuances, then spun it back to finish with boys standing like runway models, on a cistern, below a harmless spongebob cake.
Not bad for a wanna be tough guy outdoorsman who is building the next generation of outdoorsmen.
Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Carp are a kids BEST FRIEND

With the full moon almost here and a subtle wind shift to the SE it is carp fishing time.  Actually this report is about great conditions to catch very large buffalo.
Just to make it real clear to those north of Texas - 80 degrees and sunny here!......For the last 3 weeks. 
Taking the sunny and beautiful conditions upon us I ran out to my buddy's lake house and fed the fish half a bag of deer protein - time stamp on that is 2:30 pm. 
Then I went home to take a nap, let the fish find it and await the rising moon.  (which my camera couldn't seem to take a picture of....)
The boys couldn't wait for the moon rise.  We ate quickly and took off early.
You may think this is ugly, but your kids won't...... 
Little feisty drag slipper.
These little guys stayed around and kept us busy but, not exactly the target.  So the boys went swimming and I took some photographs to make this post more exciting.  How so you say?  I am going to use the old "tantalize with action then go back to the beginning" trick.
The bait I use is 1/3 flour, 1/3 corn meal, 1/3 oatmeal and a bit of brown sugar.  I then add (preferably red soda) but something sweet.  You make a dough ball that is very, very, tight.  Consistency should be like modeling clay NOT biscuit dough.
Use 1/0 or 2/0 circle hooks, offset or non-offset is fine.  Why use circle hooks? Because they work better than any hook for these guys.
Two things:
1.  Do not set the hook.  When you see the line start to tighten just pick up the slack in a sweeping motion.  If the fish hit it while you aren't looking you will catch almost all of those guys
2.  EXPOSE the hook point.  Do not bury it in the bait.  Like this:
Darkness falls and the moon rises (which my camera couldn't manage to photograph....... but it would have been cool!)  Of course, the kids are going nuts running around throwing rocks and all that having a great time.  But one of the kids, Zack, is totally fishing absorbed.  I helped him catch his first carp a few years ago and now - obsession.  He is NOT playing - this guy is fishing.  To date his best carp was 17 pounds.  Like I said - it was 17 pounds, now it's 25 lbs per his handy scale.....
For comparison's sake - big buffalo measured against Thomas - my 8 year old.
Night photo's are always hard and my camera person this evening was 14 years old.  She was quite pre-occupied with being cool and just "getting this over with".....
Anyway, for those of you worried about the artsy fartsy part all I gotta say is "scoreboard".  Better a decent picture of big ones than an artist rendition of a 7" brook trout on a rock, next to that driftwwood that always seems to be around.  We've all seen the small ones....
As the moon rose things got really quiet.  No bites for 45 minutes or so.  My ADD is just about to win the war of waiting, Thomas runs up to report something, perfect timing, last fish of the night - about 8 lbs.
Not bad for a Saturday full moon evening, the kids playing, swimming, throwing rocks and fishing. 
Hey, you, yeah, you the dude with the bass boat, take a kid fishing sometime.  I suggest carp - scoreboard.
Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Friday, April 15, 2011

Airgun + Sexy = Accurate Cheek Pressure

I have an especially good wife.  She is “especially” because of many things not applicable to this niche forum on guns and such.   What is applicable?  This special lady bought me my first German Air Rifle – an RWS model 52.

I’ve managed to keep both happy for 20+ years now.
Here’s a sexy picture - applicable to this discourse.

A couple weeks ago I found my self alone, just me and her, at the ranch house.  Though it had been a few years, I remembered how to handle her.  Four shots resulted in nice performance.
The 9mm casing is there to show how tightly this gun shoots.  Trust me; high end airguns, much like those rifles we shoot, are way better than we are!  Empty rifle brass
on a saw horse make a good shooting gallery at 20 yards. 


  25-35, 7.62, three . 357 magnum that order.
Here is the shooter’s view through the 6X42 RWS scope (My camera didn’t like the magnification for some reason but you get the jist of it).   You can see the hold off required to hit the middle target (discussed below).


 One thing different about this kind of task, use heavy wood like a 2X4, the pellets stop on impact and you can see the misses in your scope.  This helps you to judge hold off.  In this case the wind was about 15 MPH in my face.  For some reason, despite earlier zero confirmation, to hit the brass, I had to hold off three vertical crosshair widths to the right.  Sure, I could have adjusted the scope, but fooey on that……..we were alone and I was in the mood for action!

For those of you obsessed with accuracy, I found out my RWS is quite responsive to cheek pressure.   Less is more with this gun.  If I barely placed my cheek on the stock I got better results.  That isn’t the kind of thing you figure out banging away with a .300.  But it could help you shoot your .300 better. 

The cheek pressure discovery made me push further; I stuck a 3” nail in the saw horse. Three shots later – a metallic thud resulted in a grey nail head……The pellet went into chunks on impact leaving enough evidence.  That is some tight shooting mister!

Man I love this gun.
Kid’s like her too.  It is a great way to teach new shooters to stay down and look through the scope while shooting.  Cheap ammo and lot’s of practice increases accuracy greatly.   The RWS Model 52 is about 11 pounds, adult length, has a crisp trigger, Monte Carlo, stock and a full size scope.  Which sounds like a marketing piece and it is.  If you teach a kid to shoot that gun well; they will succeed with that long, heavy, adult sized rifle you give them to pop deer with.  The only thing you need to fix about your deer rifle is recoil.  Look in my archive on this blog – there are many suggestions.  I am the sole person saying “recoil is bad” in the sporting world.  The rest of the party thinks recoil is “part of being a man”.   That train of though is stupid.  I would never ask you to kick me in the shoulder just to prove I am a man……why with rifles?
What is not stupid is buying a sexy, high end, Airgun.  Caress her slowly and learn about cheek pressure.  You think your wife will buy you one after reading that?  Good Gosh man, don’t tell her.

Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Youth Hunting - Rant - Complain - Fat Southerners

I promise not to do this too often.
But today is a "Special" day where I feel fiesty.  I am going to point the finger at the outdoor industry as a whole.  Why on this good green Earth are there no hunting and fishing shows or print articles focused on youth?   Why do MOST of the outdoorsmen and magazines all say "Take a kid fishing or hunting!" 
Like we're all supposed to do it.
Then they produce a whole year of content with NO KIDS.  As you well know, we have plenthora of fat, southern, camo clad, chin bearded yuckity, yucks out there encouraging us to do what they won't.  (Maybe I should get fat and grow facial hair - then people would listen to me!!!)
Yes, there are kid pictures in some of the print stuff - that's about it. 
Here's food for thought.  Apple puts their computers in every school possible.  Interestingly as I travel for my real job, I see more than half the young professionals (say under 30) dragging around a Mac.  It's called planning for the future, building a customer base, brainwashing is the 60's way to say it.
Oh, and by the way.  If one of you outdoor personalities, manufacturer's, or sales reps thinks putting kids on TV and in print is a good idea.
Forget that.
They are web, blog, you tube, and social media focused.  Print is going to die, TV has too many channels and in 10 years will evolve.  Why wait for TV when you pick and choose video clips on the web.  Your target market is also dying off - literally.   Follow my blog and holler at me sometime, I have some ideas to reach out to the youth hunting and fishing world.
Maybe those folks at Apple computer know what they're doing?
Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Youth Rifle - Managed Recoil - Accuracy - Extended Range - Best of West

Those grooving along with me know Managed Recoil is great.  Given I have alot of youth hunters around me I use alot of Managed Recoil.  Dad's have to have some fun so I keep pushing on Managed Recoil - balistically.  Meaning, how does my gun hold zero, how far is reasonable, bullet performance, etc.
"Playing" is the word we used as kids for this kind of activity.  
Now that I have wrinkles it is "testing."  (which is boring).

I continue to play with my doctored up 30.06 and met up with Tom Gaylor a buddy of mine who runs Texas Gun Enthusiasts (you don't have to be from Texas to join - so join) and join him on Facebook.  We went to Best of the West shooting range in Liberty Hill, Texas.   Anyhoo, Tom is an ex-police dude who taught me how to shoot a .45 in a combat situation - correctly.   
Maybe a new playing opportunity.........
After ripping off a bunch of pistol rounds and some totally essential laughter, we went over to the rifle range.  It is handy.  Best of the West has knockdown rifle targets to 1,000 yards.  Readers that is not a misprint - 10 X 100 yards.   Actually, they offer 50, 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 yard targets.  All targets have nice high berms around them for safety and for your spotter to laugh at your misses.   Some of those misses are 40 yards short when you are launching shots over 500 - the hold off is crazy. 

With Managed Recoil 250 yards was not out of the question - we videoed a shot.  Notice a few things in this video clip.
1.  Shameless product placement which is essential for all small boys and fat, southern, "outdoor TV personalities".  
2.  The rifle has a muzzle brake too.  Notice the recoil is very straight back and soft.  (REMEMBER - this is a kid gun!!! No recoil is good -  a bunch of you would feel envy after shooting it) . 
3.  Turn up the volume and listen for the bonk!
4.  Shot is at 250 yards, gun zeroed at 100, bullet hit 8 inches low but still knocked the target down.  Electric targets are fun, so we popped it a few more times.  Remember - it is testing!  (Or whatever you want to call it)


But, of course, that wasn't enough.  Good Gosh MAN! there are longer range targets out there!  We ramped up to standard 30.06 ammo and started some serious work at 500, took about 5 shots each to find the hold off, then to 750.  Wow, that was a challenge.  Took us 10 more to hit it once.  Cool thing, you could shoot, recover from recoil, and see the bullet hit the dirt in the scope. 

Super Fun - for Testing by shooting about 30 rounds through the rifle on a Thursday late afternoon.

Since I am a tester, I tested it this weekend at the ranch.   To double check my Managed Recoil zero.  This picture is 100 yards on one of those "dirty bird" targets.
Not bad for a guy who plays and calls it testing.......stay tuned for more outdoor updates. Extreme pellet gun accuracy, snake catching, and feral hog blasting along with random outdoors coming soon!

Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Monday, April 11, 2011

Youth Rifle - Muzzle Up is Stupidity - Muzzle Down - Smartipidity - Action Open

On ward we roll through this vast life of ours.  I have got to say something about muzzle management.  You have taught your son's and daughters to point their guns UP when they carry them.  I am done with all the dad's who fight me when I re-train everyone to carry guns muzzle down.
Let's start simply because I can hear your arguments (which are stupid) brewing:
1.   Muzzle Management is defined as "managing the bad end of that bang stick you are holding".  As you all know, the bad end is where the bullets come out.
No new news here.
2.  Kids are short.  Youth rifles are traditionally two things that make them horrible as a weapon.  Short and light. 
3.  Anyhoo, if a short person is carrying a short weapon and it happens to be loaded AND YOU HAVE TRAINED THEM TO HOLD THE GUN MUZZLE UP you can get in a scary situation.   
4.  If the rifle accidentally goes off - you can take one under the jaw.  Because accidents happen.
Okay so seriously, you can see where the muzzle is pointing. (despite the fact he is two steps behind his dad and Paul played along nicely.   I took this stock photo to make a point).  THIS IS THE WRONG WAY TO MANAGE YOUR MUZZLE.

Here is the proper way to do it.  Gun is down, if it discharges the bullet may hit his dad's foot or friends foot or his own foot. 
God help us we don't want any accidents.  But I'd rather be shot in the leg than the jaw. 
Finally, I suggest any time, any where, any PERSON, moving with a gun, the gun should be unloaded, action open, muzzle down.  I know, they may jam the muzzle in the ground, they may trip and the gun falls on the ground, they may not get a crack shot off at a fleeting animal  - they may, they may, they may, blah, blah, blah.....I can clean the gun, there are more critters out there, safety first!!!!  In fact, it is my opinionated opinion you worry about your guns way too much.  If they drop it, with kids this will happen, or lay it down on the ground, or trip and stick it in the mud, clean the barrel and the gun. 
If you take one under the cheek, you won't be there to complain and whine about the gun getting dirty.  Should you have a $10,000 rifle you love more than your kids, then don't take it out shooting.
Guns are tools, kid are the future of the shooting sports and safety should always be the first thing!!!
Finally, next time you are watching military operations, or any person in the military actively carrying a weapon pay attention to the muzzle.  When you see those guys go through a door to clear a room - did I already say "please notice where the muzzle is pointing", they have to practice serious muzzle management to keep from shooting their teammates.  Weird how that makes sense huh?
If you disagree with anything I said here please comment or e-mail me.  I acknowledge I am not the smartest person in the world and your help to keep things safe and fun is appreciated.
If you agree with me and like my blog, click the RSS feed button and follow me.  I will be updating this blog with opinionated opinions, mostly about youth hunting and fishing, regularly.  If you have a future sportsman in the house - I can help you.  NO ONE covers youth hunting and fishing to the extent you will see here.
Small Boy with Laugh Lines

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TBM - Stink Gloves

Well I must be doing something right.  Traditional Bowhunter accepted another one of my "tips" for archery enthusiasts.  Go ahead and sign up for tip of the week, you'll learn some valuable info.  (Yes, that was totally self promoting).
Shoot 'em in the big part.
Small Boy with Laugh Lines



Stink Gloves

By Troy Fowler
Feral hogs, and many of the critters we pursue, lack personal hygiene. If you've ever cleaned a recently dispatched piggie poo you know the stink stays on your hands for a long time. Hamburgers, or anything you eat with your hands, will bring on that gag reflex, even hours later. Soap cuts the stink approximately 47% in my testing. Give it a week or so for the smell to finally go away.

I prefer a pair of heavy rubber gloves, like electrician's gloves, available at the nearest home improvement store. They are pre-shaped, offered in different hand sizes, and they reach almost to your elbow. A snug fit is best. I don't suggest kitchen gloves. I "borrowed" the loose fitting, yellow gloves to clean a random ungulate one afternoon. It was cause for marital discussions.

Yeah, you can buy a jillion disposable gloves, or get some from the nurse down the street, but be careful around broken bones and that knife you're holding. Before long your fingers will be exposed one by one. Double glove it and they tear twice. I realize that meticulous personalities do exist and there are people who actually pay attention and take their time, so the cheap gloves work perfectly. They just don't do it for me.

The next time your arrow flies true on a hog, or you really want a skunk skin cap, don the electrician's gloves. Personal hygiene is appreciated.

Troy Fowler writes about real, field tested, youth hunting and fishing solutions in his blog, Small Boy With Laugh Lines.
 Comments From
Archery Golf
Tim R. writes: For many here the annual golf shoot is anticipated almost as much as opening day of hunting season. It is the most fun you can have with a bow and arrow and still keep your clothes on!
What's New at

David Hewitt's article ,What Memories Are Made Of has been posted as a Feature Article. Join David and is son, Drew, for a memorable hunt.
Good news and bad news: Our digital issue vendor has finally provided an update so that the digital issue will work on an iPad when you access it through a web browser. (It still doesn't work on a smart phone, and I don't know if it works on other tablet devices.) The bad news; it doesn't work as well as the pdf version I made for the book readers. Try reading the Sample Issue on your iPad and let me know what you think.
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Small Boy with Laugh Lines